Monday, September 3, 2012

Fettuccine Gummi and Kakigoori Ichigo Lollipops

Shane and I recently taste-tested more bizarre Japanese candy! We decided to film our review next to the dog park in Balboa Park, so please excuse that random bark here and there in the video! A link to our film will be posted at the end of this blog post.

Today, we tried: Fettuccine Sicilian Grape Gummi by Bourbon and Kakigoori Ichigo Lollipop by Pine. 

The first candy we tasted was the Fettucine Sicilian Grape Gummi. The package is a convenient zip pouch, so you can save your candy for later.  Here is what the interior of the package looks like:

When you look at each gummy piece, they are quite short in length! I imagined longer pieces, like traditional fettuccine pasta. 
The candy is coated in a powder and a granular coating. It does have a distinctive grape flavor with a slight sour tang.  The sour level is similar to Sour Patch Kids, therefore, very mild. The coating gives the candy a nice crunch in contrast to the soft gummy texture. Both Shane and I liked this candy! Good reviews for Fettuccine Gummi!

Now, onto the next candy! Kakigoori Ichigo Lollipop by Pine is strange product indeed! When you open the package and look in the interior, you see the lollipop immersed in white powder.

The lollipop was already heavily coated with the white powder. As you are eating the lollipop, you can continue to dip it in the white powder.
The lollipop didn't have any distinct flavors. I sensed a slight menthol taste, but Shane didn't detect any at all. It was a rather  flavorless sugar lollipop that you dipped in powdered sugar. The powder tasted like crushed up Fun Dip sticks, yuck! It was terrible! The texture of the lollipop was also strangely rough, similar to 100 grit sandpaper.  The sticky lollipop would have already easily pick up the sugar powder, therefore, I don't think the texture was necessary.
Shane and I definitely did not like this candy! We don't recommend it in the slightest bit! However, we give our thumbs up for Fettucine Gummi!  I hope you enjoyed our candy review! Watch our video review if you want to see our reactions!

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