Thursday, February 14, 2013

Japanese Circus Candy!

I know it has been awhile since I have done a candy review! :-(  The craziness of work during the holiday season pulled me away from my much loved time consuming hobby: filming and video editing. Now we are back and ready to review some interesting candy! You wouldn't believe how many strange candy finds I have accumulated in the span of a couple of months!

Today we will be reviewing Atekko Gum by Top.

When I came across this wonderfully cute packaging at Nijiya Market, I just about died! So many adorable colorful animals and multiple candy packages...I had to purchase this!

Most of the candy in this package is actually gum. There is one small package of cylindrically-shaped small candies that is indeed a hard candy.

The hard candies are pink in color and we couldn't discern any specific flavor. They were chalky in texture and one of the less appealing candies in the grouping.

Also pictured above is a small yellow gumball. These were artificially-flavored banana gumballs. I have to say, I personally particularly dislike artificial banana flavor. Shane didn't care much for this candy either. We both felt we disliked this candy the most of all. The texture of the gum is very soft which is a typical feature of Japanese gum.

The gum featured above was an 1" x 1" flat piece of gum. It had a nice lemon-lime flavor, similar to 7-up. The gum again, had a very soft texture, almost to the point of completely breaking down when being chewed.

In addition to the candy was a toy inside! These red cardboard squares looked like individual game pieces. They each had flaps that you could pull away that would reveal Japanese writing and some of them contained images of the candies. Unfortunately, both Shane and I cannot read Japanese and have no idea what this is exactly. Our best guess is that that the game pieces revealed some kind of prize that you could win, probably more candy?

As I mentioned earlier, the packaging is to die for! The animal graphics are so adorable and colorful! I do enjoy the novelty of opening up all of these tiny packages to reveal the different candies and toys! For this purpose, this circus candy would definitely be worth purchasing! In terms of taste, Shane and I both felt that the candy was overall mediocre. The candy wasn't terrible, but it wasn't great either. Each candy had some characteristic that was somewhat unappealing ranging from odd textures to not-so-great flavors. 

If you would like to watch our candy review, check out the link below: